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Labour Law and Migration

Having represented employees and employers in various disputes regarding labour law, we got acquainted with problems arising from both sides and are able to provide proper arguments on specific dispute issues in the area of labour law. Employers are on the lookout for most qualified and motivated employees to continue the successful development of their operation and business; in turn, employees are seeking employers that are able to ensure contemporary and accommodating working conditions. Companies having evaluated the balance between the above-mentioned interests is able to regulate and find balance within the undertaking policy in regards to labour law. The above would provide the undertaking with an edge in the labour market, help retain good employees and reduce the internal employee rotation, as well as loss of knowledge and expertise in order to avoid long and tiresome labour disputes.

The lawyers of the law firm InRight always try to help their clients when considering various situations related to labor law, taking into account the nature and realities of the company’s activities:

  • Review/drafting of employment contracts;
  • Employment of employees from foreign countries;
  • Drafting of the work time policy;
  • Safeguard measures against dismissal and submission of actions for dismissal;
  • Protection of employee personal data;
  • Claims for damages in workplace;
  • Issues regarding collective agreements;
  • Dismissal through the fault of the employee or employer, etc.

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